Vogelgids Costa Rica Birds | Waterford Press | ISBN 9781620055403
(ISBN: 9781620055403, 2024)
Een compacte, watervaste uitklapkaart met alle veelvoorkomende vogels van Costa Rica. Duidelijke illustraties, goede korte omschrijving van soort en leefgebied, geplastificeerd.
The stunning resplendent quetzal, a species atop every birder's life checklist, is one of over 900 species of birds inhabiting this tropical paradise.
This beautifully illustrated Spanish/English guide highlights over 140 familiar and unique species and includes an ecoregion map featuring prominent bird-viewing areas, including the world-famous, Montverde Cloud Forest.
Laminated for durability, this lightweight, pocket-sized folding guide is an excellent source of portable information and ideal for field use by naturalists of all ages.