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Wandelkaart Monte Etna - Alcantara - Simeto | 1:50.000 | Global Map | ISBN 8052275704659

€ 11,90 (inclusief btw)

(ISBN: 8052275704659,  1:50.000)

Detail kaart voor allerlei activiteiten rondom de Etna op Sicilië..................

- Wandelen, alpinisme en klimmen, ski-en crosscountry, speleo, duiken etc.

- Mt Etna and its environs at 1:50,000 on a double-sided map from LAC in their Global Map imprint, with plenty of information for all types of recreational activities: hiking, climbing, biking, caving, canoeing, paragliding, diving, etc.The map is double-sided, with a very generous overlap between the sides, and covers an area from Moio Alcantara north of Mt Etna (so including Taormina and Giardini-Naxos) to beyond Catania, with an inset extending the coverage along the coast to include the Riserva Naturale Oasi del Simeto.

Topography is presented by contours with relief shading. Bold colouring shows lava fields, indicating dates of eruptions, and many smaller individual peaks and craters are named. Boundaries of Parco dell’Etna and other protected areas are marked.

Road network indicates routes closed to motorized traffic and local railway lines are shown with stations.

wandelkaarten sicilie, wandelkaart sicilie, topografische kaart Etna, topografische kaarten sicilie, global map etna



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