Wandelkaart Gran Canaria | Editorial Alpina 4-delig | 1:25.000 | ISBN 9788470111037
(ISBN 9788470111037, 2024, 1:25.000)
Uitstekende wandelkaartenset van Gran Canaria : de meest gedetailleerde kaartenserie die er beschikbaar is.
Here is a complete set for your excursions on the island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) with 4 very detailed maps at 1:25 000 plus a location map. The marked hiking routes are all indicated as well as many useful details for hiking. - See more at: https://www.maptogo.fr/en/canary-islands/231-gran-canaria-set-of-5-hiking-guidemap-at-125-000-alpina-editorial-9788480908542.html#sthash.2vAHjc3t.dpuf
•Folder with 5 maps
•Scale 1:25.000
•Equidistance contours: 10 m distance
•Master contours: at 50 m
•Shady relief
•Compatible with GPS
•Marked routes
•Land use symbolized at three levels
wandelkaart canarische eilanden, wegenkaart canarische eilanden, editorial alpina Gran Canaria