Topografische kaart Dudh Kosi | Nelles | 1;50.000 | 9780783405506
(ISBN: 9780783405506, 1:50.000, 1981)
This is a folded trail map of the area around the Dudh Kosi river, showing towns and villages, hiking routes, and roads at a scale of 1:50 000. The map shows glaciers, elevations, rivers, forested areas, and cultivated areas.
The contour intervals are at 40 meters giving a very clear idea of the topography. The legend is in English.
For many years this series of maps were the best and often the only coverage of these areas and as such are quoted or recommended in most trekking and climbing guides to Nepal.
Note: deze kaart maakt deel uit van een opgekochte serie wandel- en trekkingkaarten van het Himalayagebergte.