Fietskaart Denemarken en Kopenhagen | 1:500.000 | Scanmaps | ISBN 9788779671706
STATUS: OP VOORRAAD(ISBN: 9788779671706, 1:500.000)
Overzichtskaart van de nationale en regionale lange afstands en korte fietsroutes door Denemarken, met toeristische informatie om een fietstochten door Denemarken op te plannen. Tevens is er een Eurovelo-kaart met internationale fietsroutes in Denemarken en Informatie over deense verkeersregels voor fietseres. Met ingetekende campings en jeugdherbergen.
3. edition of Nordisk Korthandel's cyclemap of Denmark is now including a cycle map of Copenhagen in scale 1:35.000, which can help finding your way in the capitol.
The map of Denmark contains vitale information for cycling touring in Denmark. It contains national and regional cycle routes, cycle paths, hostels, campsites, tourist information etc., and there is a Eurovelo map showing international bicycle routes in Denmark. Information about danish traffic rules for bicycling is included. There are more than 160 regional and 11 national cycle routes on the map, and new routes like Kulturringen (East Jutland) and Vestegnsruten (Copenhagen) are included.
The Cycle Map is a planning map, giving an overview of the possibilities for bicyclists.
On the other side of the map you have a map of Copenhagen in scale 1:35.000, which gives a detailed view of cycle paths and routes in Copenhagen.
The Copenhagen map contains:
* National cycle routes 2, 4, 6 and 9
* Supercycle routes 77, 82, 84, 93, 94, 95, 97 and 99
* Regional cycle routes Mølleådalen, Vestegnsruten, 31, 50, 51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 60, 62, 65, 67, 69, 73, 80 and 84
* Locale cycle routes Strandparkruten, Familieruten, Parkruten, Liljeruten, Kilderuten, Skt. Jacobruten, Søruten, Skovruten and Havneringen
* General information about accomodation, bicycle inclusion on trains etc.
* Information icons on convenience stores, bicycle stores, national attractions, tourist agencies, camping sites, tent camps, hostels, beaches and bicycle friendly churches.
* Cycle paths with road names
The maps are printed on the waterproof material Polyart, a material that folds well and is unaffected by humidity. The matt coating enhances the legibility of the map directions and names (vs. plastified maps).
The material is environmentally friendly w/the recycling label, used to label paper and bottles, and tells that at least 45 percent of the material is recycled, and the product is at least as good as similar materials of new raw materials.
Content is written in Danish, German and English.