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Wandelkaart Mani: Tenaro | Anavasi 8.43 | 1:25.000 | ISBN 9789608195493

€ 8,90 (inclusief btw)

De TOPO 25 maps zijn uitstekende topografische wandelkaarten voor een deel van Griekenland. De kaarten zijn gedetailleerd en geven een helder kaartbeeld.
U vindt op deze kaarten veel interessante punten voor wandelaars maar ook voor fietsers of andere toeristen die het gebied bezoeken.
De kaarten bevatten een uitstekend reliefaanduiding, vormen van vegetatie en andere topografische details. 

Mani: Tenaro area in a series of waterproof and tear-resistant hiking maps at scales varying from 1:50,000 to 1:10,000, with a UTM grid for GPS users. Contour interval varies depending on the scale, on most maps it is 20m. Relief shading, spot heights, springs, seasonal streams and, in most titles, landscape/land-use variations, e.g. forests, orchards, or vineyards provide additional information on the terrain. Place names are given in both Greek and Latin script.

Local footpaths, hostels and mountain huts are clearly marked. For road users intermediate driving distances and petrol stations are shown. Symbols highlight places of interest, including archaeological sites, churches and monasteries, etc. The maps have a UTM grid and margin ticks for latitude and longitude. Map legend includes English.

*In this title:* an area from Cape Kipoula and Kokala - on the west and east coast respectively - to the southern tip of the Mani peninsula. Contour interval is 20m. Additional information includes bus stops. On the reverse is a simplified version of the same map without the topographic detail, simply highlighting roads and hiking routes, annotated to describe historical features and landmarks to aid navigation. An enlargement depicts in greater detail the vicinity of the ancient settlement of the Tenarians and the Poseidon and Apollo Sanctuary remains near Cape Tenaro.

(ISBN: 9789608195493, 1:25.000)




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