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Reisgids Botswana Self-Drive Guide | Tracks4Africa | ISBN 9780992183042

€ 46,95 (inclusief btw)


(ISBN: 9780992183042, 2018, 260 pagina's)

De Self Drive Guide Botswana van Tracks4Africa is een dikke en uitgebreide gids met alle informatie voor mensen die zelf met een eigen of gehuurde auto door Botswana willen reizen. De gids bevat informatie over parken en routes, over overnachtingsmogelijkheden en campings, maar ook over de veiligheid, de beste reistijd, de planning, de keuze van welk vervoermiddel en de hulpmiddelen die vereist zijn. Zo vindt u bijvoorbeeld ook informatie over het huren van een 4x4 met tent op het dak en campingspullen, over de techniek van de auto, over voorbereiding, over navigatie, communicatie en vereiste documenten. De gids ziet er aantrekkelijk en overzichtelijk uit en bevat veel kaarten met routes en ook kleurenfoto's.

This guide is specifically aimed at self-drive travellers. If you are a self-drive tourist, there are five things that you need to know when you are on the road: 

1. Where to sleep. 

2. Where to get fuel. 

3. What to see and do. 

4. Where to buy supplies. 

5. Where to go in case of an emergency. 

If you are a rookie to the business of driving yourself into Africa, this guide will also help you to prepare for your trip. Tracks4Africa has a big community of experienced travellers who love sharing their knowledge. Based on their experience this guide advises you on matters like planning your trip, navigation, preparing your vehicle, buying the right equipment for travelling into remote areas and staying in contact with the rest of the world when you are on the road. 

Before you venture into Africa, you need to be aware of safety and precaution issues.You need to know the road conditions and how to manoeuvre difficult road conditions. Travelling anywhere into Africa poses some health risks that you need to be aware of. Getting through border posts could be a pain, especially if you are not well prepared with the right documents. Can you imagine the frustration of having your well matured steak confiscated at a veterinary fence check point? All the above issues are covered in detail in this guide. 

Even the travellers who need to fly in from afar and rent a vehicle to drive around, are taken into consideration. There are many pitfalls to be aware of when you rent a vehicle. These pitfalls are discussed and some rental companies to choose fromare listed. 

If you are well prepared and well informed, you can really enjoy the unspoilt beauty of Africa! The Tracks4Africa travel community has shared with you the places and attractions that they really love to visit time and time again. 

Botswana travel regions: 

• Central Kalahari 

• Chobe/Kasane 

• Eastern Botswana/Tuli 

• Hunter’s Road 

• Kgalagadi 

• Makgadikgadi 

• Okavango/Moremi 

• Southern Botswana 

• Western Botswana 

Featured under these travel regions are 42 towns or destinations (some are National Parks or Game Reserves). Each town or destination has a general description giving you some background on the town as well as a traveller description. A street and/or district map of the town shows you where exactly each camping and lodging listing which is linked to that town or destination, is situated. 

For each of these towns or destinations a wealth of information was researched to answer the kind of questions that a self-drive traveller would ask. Through easy-to-read icons you will know if you will be able to refuel, have some repairs done, get medical attention, buy supplies, draw money, have your laundry done and if there is cellphone reception. 

The Botswana Self-Drive Guide lists 308 camping and lodging places to stay. Each of these listings indicates contact details, rates, facilities and activities offered. Also, the nearest town with direction, distance and travel time from it, is given. 

On top of all this the T4A community has lavished you with valuable tips on each and every aspect covered in the guide. As they are seasoned travellers, these are the kind of tips that can really make a huge difference to the success and enjoyment of your trip. 

The table of distance does not only feature distances between towns, but also travel times. Reliable travel times are a unique feature for which Tracks4Africa is well known and is essential information when travelling in Africa because of the varying road conditions. 




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