Wegenkaart Perth & omgeving | Hema | ISBN 9781925195163
(ISBN: 9781925195163, 1:80.000 / 1:910.000)
Stadsplattegrond van Perth, Australië, en een kaart van de omgeving. Met diverse aanduidingen zoals met hoofd- en secundaire wegen met wegnummers, campings, hotels, tankstations, natuurparken. Inclusief een kaart van het spoorwegennetwerk. De kaart is dubbelzijdig.
Perth and Region in a series of maps presenting Australia’s main cities with three maps: a detailed street plan of the central area, a road map of the city with its outer suburbs, plus a map of the wider surrounding region for out-of-town excursions.
The Perth map has an indexed street plan of city centre highlighting locations of 36 places of interest, 11 travel information centres and 35 hotels, plus a street plan of central Fremantle, also indexed and annotated with accommodation and places. The road map of Greater Perth is at 1:80,000. The regional map shows the south-western corner of Western Australia at 1:780,000.
Both the suburban and the regional maps are indexed and show the road network indicating unsurfaced roads and tracks. Symbols mark roadside rest areas, campsites, accredited information centres, various places of interest, etc. Topography is indicates by names of mountain ranges and selected peaks, plus rivers and lakes; national and state parks, conservation areas and reserves are all highlighted. The suburban map also shows suburb names with their postal codes, whilst the regional map indicates locations numerous wineries.