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Wandelgids The Dingle way | Rucksack Readers | ISBN 9781913817114

€ 21,50 (inclusief btw)

(ISBN: 9781913817114, 2023, 64 pagina's)

Rucksack Readers zijn handig uitgevoerd in een klapper met ringband. Deze gids heeft een goede beschrijving van de lange afstands route met overzichtelijke kaarten doch zonder veel detail. De kracht van de Rucksack Readers is de uitgebreide achtergrondinformatie over de flora, fauna en geologische verschijnselen. Dit alles rijkelijk omkleed met kleurrijke foto's en praktische tips.

- The Wicklow Way is Ireland's first and most popular Waymarked Way, running between Marlay Park (Dublin) and Clonegal, 82 miles (132 km) to the south. It offers varied and scenic walking on the flanks of the Wicklow mountains with loughs, rivers and historic remains.

Much of the route lies over 1600 feet (500 metres) giving glorious views, and lower sections run through forests and farmland, over a mixture of tracks, roads and pathways rich in wildlife. This updated guidebook contains all you need to plan and enjoy your holiday: drop-down map showing the whole route in five panels; waterproof paper throughout; the Way in sections, with summaries of distance, terrain and where to find food and drink; concise background on history, geology and wildlife; ann explanded 5-page feature on the monastic city of Glendalough; planning information for travel by car, train, bus or plane; in full colour, with 80 photographs. 

Wandelgids Ierland, wandelgids rucksack readers dingle way, wandelgids rucksack readers the dingle way,



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